Episode 15

Published on:

27th Aug 2024

UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) - Humanitarian aid, or a relentless push to control the world? You decide…

Recorded on Aug. 20, 2024

What could be more humanitarian than aiding refugees fleeing from persecution in their home country? Not much… but wait! Why are all these strings attached? Join Terra and Peter in plumbing the depths to which the United Nations Refugee Agency goes to promote biometrics, digital IDs and complete tracking of EVERY refugee... and how it ends up enslaving them all within a global agenda.

Music by Roman Garcia, The Roaming Bandits - Dystopian Future http://theroamingbandits.com

Show Notes:

UNHCR Global website (you can change to specific country sites at the top of the page): https://www.unhcr.org/

UNHCR wiki:


UNHCR Flexible Funding Report 2023:


UN Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG):


Registration and Identity Management:


Guidance on Registration and Identity Management:


Joint Data Centre on Forced Displacement (JDC):


Smartphones revolutionized migration:


Uganda scandal:

Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:


NBC Update:


UNHCR official report:

33. In Uganda, investigations were opened into, inter alia, refugee status determination and resettlement fraud, and entitlement and benefit fraud, following the receipt of new information. Thirty-three new investigations were opened, 11 are still ongoing and 22 were finalized. Of these, 17 cases were substantiated and referred to DHR for disciplinary action.

One case was referred to OIOS Investigations Division in accordance with the memorandum of understanding signed by OIOS and UNHCR. Several of the ongoing investigations concern allegations of refugee status determination and resettlement fraud in Nakivale which at this juncture appear to be mainly based on hearsay.


UN Budgets Millions for U.S.-Bound Migrants in 2024 – Center for Immigration Studies:


Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP):


UN giving US-bound migrants money, creating their asylum stories:


Part 1 - Mexico’s Duplicitous ‘Ant Operation’ Moved Tens of Thousands to the U.S. Border Sight Unseen:


Part 2 - In Mexico’s Deep South, the United Nations Explains Handing Cash to U.S.-Bound Migrants:


Part 3 - UN Funds Harvesting of ‘Repressed Memories’ of U.S.-Bound Migrants in Mexico:


NGOs use US tax dollars to relocate migrants:


Arizona Proposition 314 (HCR 2060):


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About the Podcast

Connecting the Dots
"During the past few years we have become acutely aware of the organized takeover and slow demolition of nation states by globalist powers. They are attempting to enact a Great Reset via the Fourth Industrial Revolution with the intention of locking down the world under a global technocracy. This is occurring via the capture of local, state, federal and national governments by international institutions such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization, as well as Non-Governmental Organizations such as the World Economic Forum. Join us on our deep dive into what the globalist's agenda is, who is promoting it, and how it is being implemented locally in Pima County. Educate yourself so that you will better equipped to recognize and stand against this agenda in your community."

About your hosts

Peter Norquest

Profile picture for Peter Norquest
"Peter moved to Tucson in 1996 to attend the University of Arizona, and continued to teach and do research after earning his Master’s degree in East Asian Studies in 1998 and a PhD from the Joint Program in Linguistics and Anthropology in 2007. After the events of Sept. 2001, Peter’s research expanded to include history and geopolitics, and his passion for community activism intensified after the events which began in 2020.
Research led Peter to realize that there has been a longstanding plan by Globalist powers to destabilize and ultimately do away with nation states, including the US, with the intention of consolidating power under a global technocracy.
As the current 1st vice-Chair of the Pima County Libertarian Party, Peter is involved in multiple community groups. He strives to empower others with knowledge so that they can take control of their choices and actions in order to live the most moral and virtuous life possible."

Terra Radliff

Profile picture for Terra Radliff
A passionate and dedicated local activist, who currently holds the position of Asst. Treasurer with the Pima County Libertarian Party. Terra is committed to defending our freedoms and promoting community awareness. Inspired by the 2020 covid narrative, Terra researched extensively and independently to critically evaluate the information provided by government sources and mainstream media. Dedicated to empowering others through knowledge and advocacy, Terra’s background in Law Enforcement, degree in Molecular Biology and as an independent business owner, provide her with unique insights. Terra is continually seeking opportunities to contribute to the protection of individual liberties and freedoms and promote informed decision-making.